How to Become a Physiotherapist in Ontario

Physiotherapists in Ontario must complete a Master's degree in Canada. For individuals educated outside of Canada, their education is reviewed by the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators to ensure that it is substantially equivalent to the content of a Canadian physiotherapy program.

To use the title Physiotherapist, Physical Therapist or PT, you must be registered with the College. Learn more about how to apply

STEPS: How to Apply

  • Learn how to become a registered physiotherapist in Ontario.

Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy RegulatorS (CAPR)

  • Visit CAPR to learn more about credentialling, taking the Physiotherapy Competency Exam and the requirements to become a physiotherapist in Canada.

Timelines & Costs

  • Find out how much the process costs, how long it takes to become a registered physiotherapist in Ontario and view application flowcharts.

Provisional Practice & Physiotherapy Residents

  • Find out more about the Provisional Practice certificate of registration and how to become a Physiotherapy Resident.


  • The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario Practice Advisor provides free, anonymous advice to PT students and anyone applying to become a physiotherapist in Ontario.

ChecklistS, faqs and resources—aPPLICANTs

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and a complete list of all necessary requirements to become a registered physiotherapist in Ontario.

Universities and bridging program

  • See a list of all Universities and Bridging Programs.

Rules & Resources

  • Learn more about the professional responsibilities of a physiotherapist and the physiotherapy rules and standards in Ontario.

Get Involved

  • Join the Citizen Advisory Group and Share Your Experiences.


  • A MUST READ: The professional responsibilities of a physiotherapist.

Case of the month

  • Read real stories about physiotherapists who didn't follow the rules.

Fair registration practices

  • Learn more about the Fairness Commissioner.

Practice Advice—applicants

  • Find the answer to your question or contact the Practice Advisors for free and anonymous advice.

registration committee decisions

  • What is the role of the Registration Committee?

What is a regulatory college?

  • What is Self-Regulation?

Academic resources

  • Helpful resources useful for yourself or your students.

Cross-border physiotherapy

  • Services performed across a provincial border for the purpose of transferring expertise or physiotherapy knowledge

Contact the Registration Team
416-591-3828 ext. 222
ext. 222

College of
Physiotherapists of Ontario
Attn: Registration Team
375 University Ave.
Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2J5

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Recent Updates

Jul 15, 2024

New Career Opportunity for Physiotherapists: Full-Time Practice Advisor

We are currently recruiting an experienced physiotherapist to join the team as a full-time Practice Advisor. This is a home-based role, but occasional travel to Toronto and other areas of the province will be required. 
We'd love to hear from you if you have the following skills and experience:
  • Registered PT with at least seven years of experience
  • Excellent listening and communication skills
  • Ability to calmly and confidently handle all types of public inquiries
  • Strong understanding of College standards and the unwritten standards of the profession
  • Excellent presentation and facilitation skills

 Applications will be accepted until August 6, 2024.

Review the full job posting on the Careers page.