Information for Physiotherapists

Your Physiotherapist Accountabilities
Registered physiotherapists have a number of requirements that must be met in order to maintain registration with the College .

Annual Renewal
All physiotherapists who hold an Independent Practice Certificate must complete the renewal process each year to maintain registration with the College. Annual renewal runs for the months of February and March.
Screening and Assessment
A select number of physiotherapists are chosen each month for a screening interview; an opportunity to reflect on practice and continually improve skills and knowledge to deliver safe, high-quality physiotherapy care.
Jurisprudence Module
For new registrants and then every five years after, this online, multiple choice module tests understanding and application of practice standards, legislation and rules related to practice in Ontario.
Registrant Information
Everything you need to know to manage your registration with the College.
Professional Issues Self Assessment (PISA)
Mandatory online annual self-assessment that must be completed each year during annual renewal by any registrant who holds a Provisional Practice or Independent Practice Certificate.
PT Practice Advice
College practice advisors are registered physiotherapists here to offer a safe space for anyone to ask questions about the practice of physiotherapy.
Reporting Obligations
What physiotherapists and others are legally required to report to the College.
The Complaints Process
The College is required to have a formal complaints process that gives any member of the public the opportunity to have their complaint about a physiotherapist’s behaviour, conduct or practice investigated by the College.