Continuing Professional Development - CPD

This is a way for you to show that you’re still learning and growing.

What is Continuing Professional Development?

As professionals, you have an obligation to keep your knowledge and skills up to date.

PTs are required to:

  • Participate in continuing education and professional development each year, to the extent needed to maintain the knowledge, skills and judgment you need to practice
  • Keep a record of your continuing education and professional development activities for at least five years
  • Provide the record of your continuing education and professional development activities to the College upon request

The College does not have specific requirements for the amount and type of continuing education and professional development activities you do. It is up to you to identify your own learning needs.

On this page you will find a number of resources to help you identify learning goals, come up with a learning plan, and reflect on your learning.

Example of How to Track Your Continuing Professional Development 

Step 1

Decide how you're going to collect the information. It could be a binder, a folder or a Word file on your computer—whatever works best for you.

Identify learning goals.

Step 2

Document evidence of ongoing learning and improvement, for example, 

  • continuing education certificates
  • diplomas, degrees and awards
  • performance review outcomes
  • professional memberships
  • letters of reference
  • journal articles, posters or abstracts
  • professional contacts
  • critical appraisal of professional literature records of student supervision
  • teaching and leadership activities
  • educational conferences

Step 3

Make note of critical incidents or treatment changes in your practice setting.

Step 4

In addition to self-assessment, include peer and/or patient feedback.

Step 5

Update the information annually, after an employer or role change and after a learning event such as a course or conference.

Things to Consider When Choosing Training or Additional Education

Note the College does not approve specific continuing education or training and expects physiotherapists to apply their own professional judgement.

Before choosing training or additional education ask yourself:

  • Is the company providing the training or course knowledgeable and reputable? How long have they been around? If the instructor is a regulated health professional, why not look them up on their College's Public Register.
  • Is there science or evidence to support the information being taught in the course? Do your own background research.
  • Does the training include learning theory, hands on practical skills, and evaluation of your performance?
  • Ask a peer who has done the training for their feedback. Would they recommend it?
  • Do the teaching methods align with how you like to learn?

Questions About Continuing Professional Development?

For more information contact 
1-800-583-5885 ext. 212 or 416-591-3828 ext. 212