
June 2024 Issue

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Blog on Data and EDI: How We Protect Your Privacy

In a follow up to the previous Registrar’s Blog on the role of data collection in our EDI work, Craig Roxborough is answering an important question: How does the College safeguard your demographic data?

This question emerged as a theme during feedback you provided last fall, so Craig will explore the ways we protect the data that we currently collect, and the options available to us should we decide to collect additional demographic data in the future.

Your ongoing feedback in this space is important and will help us develop a path forward. Please take some time to read the blog and leave a comment to share your thoughts. 

Read the Blog 

First Annual Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Report 

A foundational pillar of the College’s strategic plan, approved by the Board in 2022, is a commitment to embrace a culture where an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lens is intentionally incorporated into all levels of decision making. 

Our first annual EDI Report outlines our progress toward that goal and highlights future commitments. We know we're at the beginning of this journey and we're dedicated to learning about inclusive practices, working with system partners to grow our knowledge base, and evolving our commitment to fostering true belonging. We are consistently humbled by this work and recognize it requires community-centered decision making.

We hope you’ll take some time to read the report and share any feedback you may have.

Read the Report 

Webinar: Privacy and Patient Safety Misunderstandings

In this webinar, Practice Advisors Fiona and Mary-Catherine go over some of the common misunderstandings about privacy and patient safety from this year's Professional Issues Self-Assessment (PISA) exercise. 

The 22-minute video covers topics like the importance of designating a Health Information Custodian, if physiotherapists can feature patients on social media, and whether to keep the door open or closed during treatment. 

Watch On-demand

Case of the Month: Keep it in Scope

Physiotherapists are advised to avoid providing recommendations about medications (including supplements) and they shouldn't advise patients on specific diets. 

In a new Case of the Month, we hear about a PT who was advising patients about nutrition, billing for probiotic capsules, and providing information about weight loss and anti-inflammatory supplements. The case explores why it's important for physiotherapists to abide by the scope of practice as defined by the Physiotherapy Act – and what happens when they don't.

Featured Standard: Conflict of Interest 

PTs must recognize and manage situations that could result in a real or perceived conflict of interest.

Physiotherapists must recognize and manage situations that could result in a real or perceived conflict of interest.

Wherever possible, physiotherapists should avoid situations that might result in a conflict of interest. If it’s not possible to avoid a conflict of interest, physiotherapists must:  

  • Disclose and discuss the situation with the patient before providing the services 
  • Make the patient aware of practical alternatives if there are any 
  • Document the discussion in the patient’s record

Advice from the Practice Advisors when it comes to potential conflicts of interest: 

Stop: Offering incentives, such as referral programs for family and friends, to promote your practice.

Start: Avoiding situations that might cause a conflict of interest. For example, you shouldn't give or receive benefits for patient referrals.

Before deciding to offer incentives, consider these points: 

  • Professional Judgment: Your decisions should not be influenced by incentives. 
  • Clinical Care: Always provide care that is needed, regardless of any incentives. 
  • Cost of Incentives: Do not add the cost of the incentive to the service invoice for third-party payors. 
  • Protect Patients: Ensure that patients are not exposed to unethical business practices. 

For more information, review the Conflict of Interest Standard and read the College’s guidance on incentives.  

Tune In To Next Week's Board Meeting

The next College Board meeting is scheduled for Monday June 24 and Tuesday June 25.

Board meetings are open to the public and anyone can attend. The meeting materials, schedule, and livestream links are available on the Board page. 

On the agenda for this meeting: 

  • Welcoming new Board Directors and reviewing the Committee Slate
  • An update on the Ontario Clinical Exam (OCE)
  • Next steps in the consultation and approval process of the proposed national standards
  • Updates from the Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA) and the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR)

Please note a recording of the meeting will not be available afterward.

Welcome New Registrants

The College would like to welcome our newly registered physiotherapists.

View the List

Myth vs Fact

Physiotherapists need to inform the College if they work with PTAs.

Is this a myth or a fact? 

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Practice Advice Question

Can a physiotherapist reduce or waive fees for patients who can’t afford them?
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Archived Issues of Perspectives

For issues prior to 2018, please contact