New By-law Consultation – Exam Fees


Please review the Proposed By-law – Exam Fees and provide your feedback by Friday, November 25, 2022. If you have any questions, please email

About the Proposed By-law


The College is seeking comments on a proposed new by-law to establish fees related to the Ontario Clinical Exam.

What is the new by-law about?

The College is mandated by law to serve and protect the public interest. One of the ways it does this is to administer the Ontario Clinical Exam to help ensure that new physiotherapists entering the profession can provide safe, competent and ethical care.

The College began work to develop the Ontario Clinical exam in early 2022 to respond to the unavailability of the clinical exam previously offered by the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators.

To establish the new exam, the College must develop exam content, set up an exam program infrastructure, develop a technology platform, and provide logistical support for the delivery of the exam. The College must also support the administration and implementation of the exam for as long as it is in use.

Council had discussions regarding the exam’s fee structure in August and September 2022 and approved a fee model where the College will charge fees to exam candidates to help cover the cost to develop and administer the exam over the period of time that the exam would be available.

Based on that principle, the following fees were approved in principle by Council, which are defined in the new by-law:

Exam fee$1,985
Exam date re-booking fee$200
Exam Review fee$200
Exam Appeal fee$300

A copy of the proposed by-law is as follows:


8.7.    (1)      The fees relating to the Ontario Clinical Exam are as follows:

  1. The fee to sit the Ontario Clinical Exam is $1985.00.
  2. The fee to change or rebook the date a candidate is scheduled to sit the Ontario Clinical Exam is $200.00.
  3. The fee for candidates who request a Review of their results on the Ontario Clinical Exam (“Exam Review”) is $200.00.
  4. The Fee for appealing the results of an Exam Review to the Exam Committee is $300.00.

(2)     Any issues regarding the refundability of fees relating to the Ontario Clinical Exam (for such things as late cancellations or late arrivals) will be addressed in accordance with the College’s exam policies.

In addition to the proposed by-law, the details related to the administration of these fees are contained in the exam policies.

We Want to Hear from You

The College welcomes your input on the proposed changes. Please provide your feedback by Friday, November 25, 2022.

Please note: