Register for ‘Changes are Coming! Practice Assessment, Portfolio & PISA’


Changes are Coming! Practice Assessment, Portfolio & PISA:

Join the College for Good Conversation

The College is overhauling the practice assessment process, PISA and the portfolio to come up with a system that meets everyone’s needs and we want to hear from you.

Join us in-person for: Changes are Coming to the Practice Assessment, Portfolio & PISA, an interactive session with the goal of getting your ideas, what the next steps should be, and how the College’s program can be made better.

Food and refreshments will be available.

For more information contact:
Subbiah Lakshmanan
The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
1-800-583-5885 ext. 256

College Outreach Event Schedule

Mark it in your calendars!

Ottawa September 14, 2017 Closed
Sudbury October 19, 2017 Closed
Kenora November 9, 2017 Closed
Windsor November 16, 2017 Closed
Toronto December 6, 2017 Closed
Brampton January 18, 2018 Register
Kitchener January 25, 2018 Register
Peterborough February 8, 2018 Register
Mississauga February 22, 2018 Register
Hamilton March 8, 2018 Register