The College has a zero-tolerance approach for inappropriate business practices.
On March 7, 2014 the Board approved a zero tolerance statement related to inappropriate business practices. This statement is intended to guide College activity to prevent and raise awareness of inappropriate business practices.
The statement reads as follows:
The public interest depends on the integrity of the profession. Protecting the integrity of the profession demands a zero tolerance of inappropriate business practices.
What would you do?
You’ve just started a new job and your boss tells you about a new business idea. The clinic is going to partner with the Pilates studio next door. Your boss wants you to assess the studio’s clients so the clients can make use of their physiotherapy benefits for the Pilates classes. The invoice will itemize your assessment and all of the Pilates sessions will be provided by the studio as “physiotherapy.”
Is this fraudulent? Is this really good business practices?
Things to Consider:
- Invoices must be clear and transparent. If a client receives Pilates training that is not part of a physiotherapist’s treatment plan, they should be billed separately for Pilates.
- In this case, insurance companies and third-party payers should not be invoiced for physiotherapy. False invoices could result in a College or police investigation and could have serious outcomes for anyone involved.
- If you become aware of this type of questionable billing, report it. Contact the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario by emailing or calling 1-800-583-5885 ext. 227.
Learn more about how to prevent benefits fraud by using this resource from the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association.
Know the Rules
Fees, Billing & Accounts Standard
Supervision Standard
Working with Physiotherapist Assistants Standard
Learn More
Your Name and Registration Number Have Been Misused – What Should You Do?
Delisted: Make Sure It Doesn’t Happen to You
Webinar: Business Practices – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly