Yes, physiotherapists can provide care in a variety of settings, including in their home. Physiotherapists must ensure that care can be provided safely, effectively, and professionally, and that they are able to meet all College standards in their practice environment.
The College has a checklist Opening a Practice Checklist to support PTs in meeting the required standards in any setting. This includes information around physical work environment, fees, billings and accounts, infection control, record keeping and other considerations. Be sure to check out the FAQs for information around required written policies. When starting a new practice, physiotherapists must update their information in the College portal within 30 days.
Consider the set up in your home to ensure patient privacy. Consider also how you will manage both the environment and professional boundaries so that the home practice setting feels professional and safe for both you and your patients.
There may be city zoning by-laws or other municipal regulations that impact your ability to operate a business from your home.
Finally, a special consideration during the pandemic is to ensure that physiotherapists are familiar with and following all COVID-19 infection control guidelines set out by the Ministry of Health.
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