
Our job is to protect the public interest.

The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario is one of 26 health regulatory colleges in the province. Health regulatory colleges were established by the government to protect patients and make sure regulated healthcare providers are qualified and suitable to provide a high level of care.

Contact us if you have questions about your physiotherapy care. Email or call 1-800-583-5885 ext. 241.

Information Topics for Patients

Find a Physiotherapist

We maintain a list of all registered physiotherapists in Ontario called the Public Register. Use this tool to find a physiotherapist near you, verify that a physiotherapist is registered to practice, and see more details about a PT like specialized areas of practice and conduct history.

Make a Complaint

We investigate complaints about physiotherapists from patients, caregivers and others. We’re here to help if you have concerns about the care you received. Learn more about understanding sexual abuse and the process to apply for therapy or counselling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone who has a concern about a physiotherapist can file a complaint. This includes patients, family members or friends of patients, colleagues, employers and insurers.

The role of the College is to protect the public. We do this by setting and upholding rules and standards for physiotherapists. These rules and standards cover a variety of concerns including:

  • Boundaries and sexual abuse
  • Fees and billing
  • Supervising assistants and delegating care
  • Advertising
  • Performing controlled acts, like acupuncture or spinal manipulation
  • Infection control and equipment maintenance

The College’s rules and standards cover most of the concerns brought to our attention. If you are not sure if your concern is covered, please contact us at or 1-800-583-5885 ext. 227.

We will contact you within two business days to confirm receipt of your complaint and ask for more information, if needed. If you choose to move forward with the process, an unbiased investigator will gather information related to your complaint.

If you have any questions about the complaints process, please contact or call 1-800-583-5885 ext. 227.

If you need more information about the College or have a question about the care you or a loved one received from a physiotherapist, contact the Practice Advice Team at or call 1-800-583-5885 ext. 241.

What is Physiotherapy

Seeing a physiotherapist for the first time? Want to better understand your rights as a patient? Access information about what you can expect from your physiotherapy appointment and learn more about virtual care.

Government-Funded (OHIP) Physiotherapy

The Ontario government funds physiotherapy care in certain situations in your home or at designated Community Physiotherapy Clinics.

Unregulated, Suspended or Revoked Practitioners

Make sure the person you’re seeing is qualified to practice physiotherapy and hasn’t had their license suspended or revoked.

Discipline Hearings and Decisions

View a list of upcoming and past discipline decisions to help make informed decisions about your care.