Examples of Consent

Please note: The consent samples below are only examples of different ways that a PT might capture consent in their patient records.  

It is important that physiotherapists provide written confirmation in a patient chart that the PT and the patient have had a conversation about the proposed assessment and treatment plan and all of the important elements of the consent process have been covered. Consent should always be an ongoing conversation between the patient and the health professional.

It is common for facilities to require an additional consent form be completed by the patient. This is fine, however having a patient sign a consent form is not considered getting consent. Additional written evidence that a conversation took place between the physiotherapist and the patient, and that the patient has consented to the assessment or the treatment, must be documented in the patient record. 

If you have questions about how to document patient consent, please contact the College’s Practice Advice team at advice@collegept.org or 647-484-8800 or 1-800-583-5885 ext. 241.

Consent Sample 1

Consent Sample 2

Consent Sample 3

Consent Sample 4