Fees, Billing and Accounts Standard



Physiotherapists are accountable for any fee, billing or account that uses their name and registration number.

Physiotherapists must be aware of how their name and registration number are being used.

Accuracy and honesty

Physiotherapists must ensure that any fee, billing or account that uses their name and registration number is an accurate reflection of the services and/or products provided. Physiotherapists must never charge fees or create billings or accounts that are inaccurate, false or misleading.

Physiotherapists must not charge a fee or accept payment from a person for a service that has been paid for in full by another payer.

Physiotherapists must have a written process for routinely reviewing their fees, billings or accounts. This review process must ensure that:

  • Any fees charged are accurate and reasonable
  • Billings or accounts are accurate

Physiotherapists must be able to demonstrate that they did the review.

If the physiotherapist discovers inaccuracies or errors, they must:

  • take reasonable steps to correct the inaccuracies or errors, and
  • document the finding, what action was taken, and the outcome.

Fee schedule

Physiotherapists must ensure that there is a written fee schedule for each funding stream. The fee schedule must state:

  • Fees for assessment, reassessment and treatment
  • Fees for other services or products
  • Fees for administrative tasks: (such as photocopying a patient record, completing a form, etc.)
  • Late payment penalties or interest charges
  • Charges for cancellations or missed appointments.

Physiotherapists must ensure that fees are not excessive.

Any departure from the established fee schedule can only be to reduce fees.

Communicating fees to patients

Before providing care, physiotherapists must ensure that patients are given clear information about fees, and that they understand the information. This includes:

  • All fees that might apply to the patient
  • How bills or accounts for services are calculated
  • Any financial policies that might affect the patient, such as payment expectations and late payment charges
  • Methods of payment that are accepted.

Physiotherapists must provide an itemized account for services and/or products if the patient or a payer requests one, and it must be provided free of charge.

The physiotherapist must ensure that patients are notified of balances due in a timely way and that refunds are promptly paid.

Fees for packages of service

Physiotherapists must not charge a set fee for packaged or bundled services (i.e. a block fee) unless:

  • The patient is told what services are covered, the cost of each service and the total cost
  • The patient has the option to buy one service at a time
  • The patient has the option to receive a refund for unused services
  • The fee for each service appears accurately on the billing or account. These restrictions do not apply to block fees that are required by a payment plan.

Fees, Billing and Accounts Standard