Make a Complaint
Make a Complaint
Every patient in Ontario has the right to receive safe, competent and ethical physiotherapy care.
The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario protects the public by guiding the practice of physiotherapists. We’re here to help if you have concerns about the care that you or a loved one received from a physiotherapist.
You get to choose how to be involved in the process:
You can file a formal complaint. You will receive regular updates about the investigation and a copy of the final decision. Formal complaints cannot be anonymous.
You can share information anonymously with us and the Registrar will decide if an investigation or other action is required. In this process, you will not receive regular updates or information about the decision.
Fact Sheet
Questions, Concerns or Complaints about a Physiotherapist
Note: In addition to receiving concerns from patients and members of the public, employers and physiotherapists have a legal requirement to report certain information to the College.
How to Make a Complaint or a Report
You can use the online form to file a complaint/report to the College. You can also submit it in writing, as a recording, or download the form to print off and send by mail or email.
Please include:
- The name of the physiotherapist. Staff can help if you do not have the exact name, or you can look online using the Public Register.
- Your name and contact information.
- The patient’s name (if you are not the patient).
- As much detail as possible about your concern or what happened.
Send the information by email or mail to:
- Email: investigations@collegept.org
- Mailing address:
College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
c/o Regus Business Centre
1 Dundas Street West, Eaton Centre, Suite 2500
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z3 Canada
If you have any questions about the complaints process, please contact investigations@collegept.org or call 1-800-583-5885 ext. 227.
The Process
Understanding Sexual Abuse
The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario exists to protect the public.
Like other health regulators in Ontario, we have zero-tolerance for conduct or behaviour towards patients that is sexual in nature.
Physiotherapists in Ontario must never:
Have any form of sexual relations with a patient
Touch a patient in a sexual way
Behave or talk in a sexual way to a patient or about a patient
Date their patients
The list below includes some examples of actions or behaviours that are likely inappropriate on the part of the physiotherapist. These behaviours can be obvious or subtle and words can be as damaging as actions.
- Any unwanted sexual attention or behaviour, for example kissing or hugging in a sexual way
- Sexual touching, for example touching your buttocks, breasts, genitals or any other areas in a way that is not needed for therapy
- Sexually suggestive or seductive remarks, for example, comments about your sexual relationships or sexual orientation or inappropriate sexual remarks or questions about your appearance or clothing
- Sexually insulting or offensive comments or jokes
- Not asking for permission before touching you
- Anything that makes you feel uneasy
What is Appropriate Touching
By nature of the profession, physiotherapists touch their patients to provide treatment. Touching, behaviour or remarks that are part of your clinical care are not considered sexual abuse.
The College has rules that describe how physiotherapists are expected to behave to show they are acting in the best interest of their patients.
When touching occurs as part of your therapy you can expect that:
The physiotherapist will tell you what they are going to do before touching you.
The physiotherapist will ask your permission to touch you.
You will be encouraged to ask questions or express any concerns.
You will feel respected.
The touching will be necessary for your treatment.
You can ask that an activity stop at any time if you are feeling uneasy.
You can withdraw your consent or change your mind about the activity at any time.
What can you do if you are feeling uneasy during a therapy session?
Tell the physiotherapist to stop.
Ask the physiotherapist to explain what they are doing and why they are doing it.
Refuse to continue with the therapy.
Funding for Therapy or Counselling
The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario provides financial assistance for therapy or counselling for patients who have been sexually abused by a physiotherapist. In order to qualify, the physiotherapist must be a former or current registrant of the College.
To apply for funding, please download and complete the online Funding for Therapy and/or Counselling Application Form, then email it to fundingfortherapy@collegept.org.
If you would prefer to seek out other supports, please dial or text 211 or chat with support staff at 211ontario.ca to find available resources in your local area.
If you have questions, need the application form translated or otherwise need assistance, please contact fundingfortherapy@collegept.org.
How much funding is available?
Patients can receive up to $17,370 over a five-year period. Funds are paid directly to the therapist or counsellor. The money can only be used for treatment required because of sexual abuse by the physiotherapist and associated costs like childcare or travel expenses to assist you in accessing care.
Information in other languages
Audio clips
If you need information in another language, please email communications@collegept.org or call
1-800-583-5885 ext. 234.