How to Become a Physiotherapist

Physiotherapists must be registered with the College and have appropriate qualifications to practice in Ontario.

Information Topics for Applicants

How to Apply

Learn how to apply for registration with the College, whether you were educated in Canada or internationally.

See step-by-step instructions on how to become a physiotherapist in Ontario.

Ontario Clinical Exam

Register for the Ontario Clinical Exam and access resources to help you study and prepare.

View upcoming exam dates and get the answers to common questions about the exam.

Universities and Bridging Programs

Explore Canadian physiotherapy programs. Learn about the educational requirements to become a physiotherapist in Ontario.

Registration Committee Decisions

Applications that do not meet the College’s registration requirements are referred to the Registration Committee for consideration.

Fair Registration Practices

The College’s registration practices are regularly audited by the Office of the Fairness Commissioner (OFC). Created under the Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act (2006), this government agency works to ensure they have registration processes that are transparent, objective, impartial and fair.