Governance Changes
In consideration of key areas relating to governance practices and the Ministry of Health’s College Performance Measurement Framework, the College is also proposing a number of governance changes. These include:
- Nine Year Consecutive Term Limit & 1 Year Cooling Off Period
- Explicitly outline a nine-year consecutive term limit for both Council and committee service, with a one year cooling off period after reaching the limit.
- This change would however provide Council with flexibility to make a committee appointment beyond the consecutive term limit in exceptional circumstances.
- Orientation Prior to Council Election/Committee Appointment
- Candidates to complete a mandatory orientation prior to being eligible for Council election or committee appointment.
- Executive Committee Information
- College to post and make available the following information about Executive Committee meetings on the website:
- Meeting date;
- Rationale for meeting;
- Report on discussions/decisions when Executive Committee acts as Council or discusses matters to be brought forward to Council; and
- If decisions will be ratified by Council
- Council Meeting Notice & Materials
- Notice of Council meetings and materials are available at least a week in advance (already done in practice — now codified in By-laws)
- Discipline Hearing Notice & Allegations
- Notice of discipline hearings and allegations are available at least a week in advance (already done in practice — now codified in By-laws)
The complete proposed By-laws are provided for your review, highlighting the revisions through tracked changes. The current By-laws are available should you want to compare.
Please review the proposed By-law changes and provide your feedback by Monday, May 17, 2021.