2021 College By-Law Changes


This public consultation is now CLOSED for the 2021 Proposed College By-law Changes

Over the past two years, the College undertook a review of its By-laws to consider both administrative and governance changes. In keeping with its statutory obligations, the College is pleased to provide you with an opportunity to comment on the changes being proposed.

Please review the proposed By-law changes and provide your feedback.
The proposed changes are marked in red.

About the Proposed Changes

  1. Registrant Specific Changes

    When the College is proposing to make changes to its By-laws that have a direct effect on its registrants, the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) requires the College to ask its registrants for their input.

    These proposed changes can be found under five (5) parts of the By-laws:

    • Section 8.1 — Information that must be on the College’s Public Register;
    • Section 8.2 — Information that registrants must provide to the College;
    • Section 8.5 — Fees related to reinstatement;
    • Section 8.6 — Fees that the College charges for its services; and
    • Section 9.2 — Fees for professional corporations.
  2. Governance Changes

    In consideration of key areas relating to governance practices and the Ministry of Health’s College Performance Measurement Framework, the College is also proposing a number of governance changes. These include:

    1. Nine Year Consecutive Term Limit & 1 Year Cooling Off Period
      • Explicitly outline a nine-year consecutive term limit for both Council and committee service, with a one year cooling off period after reaching the limit.
      • This change would however provide Council with flexibility to make a committee appointment beyond the consecutive term limit in exceptional circumstances. 
    2. Orientation Prior to Council Election/Committee Appointment
      • Candidates to complete a mandatory orientation prior to being eligible for Council election or committee appointment. 
    3. Executive Committee Information
      • College to post and make available the following information about Executive Committee meetings on the website:
      • Meeting date;
      • Rationale for meeting;
      • Report on discussions/decisions when Executive Committee acts as Council or discusses matters to be brought forward to Council; and
      • If decisions will be ratified by Council
    4. Council Meeting Notice & Materials
      • Notice of Council meetings and materials are available at least a week in advance (already done in practice — now codified in By-laws)
    5. Discipline Hearing Notice & Allegations
      • Notice of discipline hearings and allegations are available at least a week in advance (already done in practice — now codified in By-laws)

    The complete proposed By-laws are provided for your review, highlighting the revisions through tracked changes. The current By-laws are available should you want to compare.

    Please review the proposed By-law changes and provide your feedback by Monday, May 17, 2021.