Legislation and regulations are in place to protect the public interest.
Here are some examples:
Consent: Consent is required for all treatment provided by health practitioners, except when treatment is provided in an emergency situation.
Privacy and Your Health Records: Professional misconduct regulations forbid physiotherapists from giving out your information to anyone but you or someone authorized to represent you. You must consent to the release of your information, unless it is required or allowed by law.
Complaints Process: The public, including patients, have the right to
file a complaint with the College if they have concerns about the care they received from a physiotherapist or the actions or conduct of a physiotherapist.
Mandatory Reporting: Regulated health care providers and employers of regulated health care providers have a legal obligation to
file a report with the College or other organizations in certain circumstances. These obligations relate to sexual abuse of patients, employee termination or resignation and child abuse to name a few.