Board Highlights
Highlights from the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario’s Council Meeting on September 28 and 29, 2023
- Council approved the following amendments to the committee slate:
- Appoint Frank Massey to the Registration Committee and the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees
- Appoint Mark Heller to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee and the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees
- Remove Laina Smith from the Registration Committee
- Council approved, in principle, a 4% increase of the registration and administrative fees and to authorize the circulation of the necessary By-law amendments of s. 8.4-8.6 for feedback. Visit the consultations page to learn more and submit your feedback.
- Council approved the proposed By-law provisions to allow for the collection of additional practice and demographical information as considered necessary by the Registrar in consultation with the Executive Committee for circulation. Visit the consultations page to learn more and submit your feedback.
- Council approved the proposed housekeeping updates to the College’s By-laws and Governance Policies as well as the addition of a competency requirement.
- Council approved the Competency Profile: Council and Committee Values, Attributes and Skills. This competency profile is applicable to anyone running in a Council election or being appointed as an Academic Councillor, and to anyone appointed to a committee, working group or task force.
- Council approved the revised terms of reference for the Finance Committee, now referred to as the Risk, Audit, and Finance Committee. All references to this Committee in the By-Laws and Governance Policies will be updated accordingly.
- Council approved the Enterprise Risk Management Policy.
- Craig Roxborough, Registrar and CEO, provided an update on work that has been completed and work that is being planned in support of the College’s commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
- Council participated in two educational sessions: one about risk tolerance, led by Dragica Robinson of Uvidi Management Solutions, and one called “Lessons Learned from Previous Governance Reviews” led by The Regulators Practice.
- Council received an update from the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators about the work of the Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) and a proposed model for entry-to-practice assessment based on the EAP principles.
- Council appointed Hilborn LLP as the Auditor for the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario for the fiscal year 2024.
The next Council meeting is scheduled for December 14 and 15, 2023.
If you have any questions about this information or would like to attend a meeting, please contact Caitlin O’Kelly at
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