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Sample Scenario 1

A physiotherapist has moved to a new home on November 1st. What is the physiotherapist’s responsibility to the College?

  1. The physiotherapist should notify the College immediately and leave a message with his/her new mailing address.

  2. The physiotherapist has no responsibility to notify the College as he/she is having his/her mail forwarded to his/her new address.

  3. The physiotherapist should notify the College about his/her new address in a couple of months once he/she is settled into his/her new home.

  4. The physiotherapist should notify the College by sending a note providing his/her new address that same month.


Number four is the correct answer. This scenario falls within the content domain of Registrant’s Obligations. Number four is the correct answer as the College Bylaws 40. (5) (a) requires that registrants notify the College in writing of any change to the registrant’s home address within thirty days of the effective date of the change.

Number one is incorrect as the notification must be provided in writing (mailed note, email, fax, or updated online by the registrant).

Number two is incorrect as the physiotherapist has a responsibility to notify the College.

Number three is incorrect because it does not indicate that the address update must be provided in writing and within thirty days of the change occurring.

Sample Scenario 2

An 87-year-old-woman was admitted to hospital after a fall at home. The physiotherapist completes an initial assessment, forms a physical diagnosis and develops a treatment plan. The patient can describe how the injury occurred but she is not oriented to time and place. The patient is eager to start treatment so that she can go home to rest. What should the physiotherapist do first?

  1. Obtain informed consent

  2. Contact the substitute decision maker

  3. Assess the patient’s capacity

  4. Initiate treatment


The correct answer is number three. This question is based on the content domain of Consent. Number three is the correct answer because the physiotherapist must first determine if the patient is capable of providing consent. Principle 1 of the Health Care Consent Act outlines the need to ensure that the patient is capable of consenting to treatment.

Number one is incorrect as the patient has shown some signs of confusion and the physiotherapist has not yet determined if they have the capacity to consent.

Number two is incorrect as the scenario does not indicate that a substitute decision maker exists (you must not read information into the scenario that is not provided).

Number four is incorrect because the physiotherapist must have informed consent to initiate treatment.

Questions about Jurisprudence? Contact the College

jurisprudence@collegept.org or 1-800-583-5885 ext.222

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